Investigation and prosecution of terrorism and violent extremism in France

Funded by European Union

Project Leica - Investigation and prosecution of terrorism and violent extremism in France

04. 10. 2023

Investigation and prosecution of terrorism and violent extremism in France

France has gathered much experience in the investigation and prosecution of terrorism, due to several serious attacks that occurred in its territory, killing hundreds of people.
For the second consecutive year, The EU-funded project LEICA supported the travel expenses and the participation of five prosecutors (Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan, and Uzbekistan) in the activity Judicial Treatment of Terrorism and Violent Extremism. The seminar took place in the ENM -Ecole Nationale de la Magistrature (Judicial National School), in Paris (France) from 25-29 September 2023.
Practitioners from the French National Police, Prosecutors and Judges from the PNAT (counterterrorism prosecutor office), judicial and prison administrations provided an overview of the terrorist threat evaluation, and procedures and mechanisms that are being applied in France related to the investigation and prosecution of terrorists, the role of the law enforcement special units, prosecutors and judges; coordination and cooperation mechanisms at national level; the importance of foreign intelligence and the use of intelligence as evidence, Foreign Terrorist Fighters prosecution and gathering evidence from Syria/Iraq; judicial monitoring of terrorism-related inmates, and prison intelligence. Prosecutors from Andorra, Luxembourg, Benin and Kosovo (*) also participated in the seminar.
(*) This designation is without prejudice to positions on status and is in line with UNSCR 1244/1999 and the ICJ opinion on the Kosovo declaration of independence.
