17. 11. 2023
Officials from Kyrgyz and Kazakh Penitentiary Services Attend LEICA Seminar on Prisons Intelligence
27 employees of the Kyrgyz and Kazakh prison services have participated in a seminar on “prisons intelligence” organized by the European Union funded project LEICA in Bishkek. The seminar was conducted from 13-17 November 2023 by three officials of the French Ministry of Justice and its “Service National de Renseignment Penitentiaire” (SNRP). This service was created as an independent body, after serious terrorist attacks in Paris, which showed there was a need to reinforce the early detection of prison radicalization, to also avoiding the preparation within prisons of terrorist attacks. To this end, the SNRP uses advanced information gathering and analysis techniques, and coordinates with other French information services that have a role in the prevention and the investigation of terrorism.
LEICA Director underlined the challenges that the early detection of radicalization within prisons represents. He emphasized that Kyrgyz, Kazakh and French shared experience will be useful for the improvement of the prevention of radicalization in prisons in their countries. Finally, he invited to consider continuing further cooperation with LEICA in more specific fields of prison intelligence.
The European Union funded project LEICA is managed by the EU Commission through CIVIPOL and ISEMI, with the support of Interpol.